1. applications

  2. Patients and visitors

    1. Outpatient appointments
    2. Bereavement services
    3. Blood tests
    4. Carers
    5. Chaplaincy
    6. Complaints
    7. Information for the Armed Forces community
    8. Learning disabilities and autism support
    9. Male Fertility Tests and Post Vasectomy Tests (Semen Tests)
    10. Our wards
    11. Patient Experience
    12. PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)
    13. Patient systems
      1. Video appointments
      2. Patients Know Best (PKB)
    14. Visiting arrangements
  3. Our hospitals

    1. Patient and public parking at our hospitals
    2. Southend University Hospital
    3. Broomfield Hospital
    4. Basildon University Hospital
    5. Other locations and sites
  4. Work and learn

    1. Apprenticeships
    2. Current vacancies
      1. We are the ED family
      2. Return to Practice Programme @MSE therapies
      3. Estates and Facilities @MSE
      4. Grow with MSE Pharmacy
      5. Delivering Maternity @MSE
    3. GP Resources
    4. Healthcare Libraries
    5. Ladybird Nursery
    6. Medical education
      1. Pre-medical school
      2. Undergraduate medical education
      3. Foundation doctor training opportunities
      4. Clinical Teaching Fellows (CTFs)
      5. Other training and development opportunities for doctors
      6. Medical education facilities
    7. Staff Health & Wellbeing
    8. Shine Awards
      1. About the Shine Awards
    9. Staff IT systems
    10. Values Awards
    11. Work Experience
  5. Our services

    1. Nash Basildon, Brook Suite Private Patient Unit
    2. Our consultants
  6. Get involved

    1. Volunteering Mid and South Essex
    2. Have your say
  7. Contact us

  8. Research and innovation

    1. Innovation
      1. Our Innovation Fellowships
      2. Anchor Programme
        1. Anchor ambition
        2. Anchor youth partnership
        3. Anchor innovation
      3. How Covid-19 shaped our future
        1. Changing culture through better relationships
        2. Harnessing the potential of data analytics
        3. Innovation through partnerships
        4. Building a legacy for the future
        5. Protecting staff health and wellbeing
        6. Improving quality even in the hardest of times
    2. Research
      1. Broomfield Hospital Clinical Research Centre
  9. About us

    1. Events at the Trust
    2. Information for our suppliers
    3. Annual General Meeting
    4. Freedom of information
    5. Meet the team
    6. Information governance and data protection
      1. Access to health records
      2. Fair processing and privacy notice
      3. Privacy policy
        1. Social media house rules
        2. How we use cookies
    7. Latest News
      1. Your Hospitals Magazine
    8. Membership and our council of governors
      1. Meet our Council of Governors
      2. Our Members' Strategy
    9. Media Centre
    10. Modern slavery
    11. Public board meetings
    12. Safeguarding
    13. Trust publications and reports